Sitting outside for weeks in front of my local theater waiting for Hot Pursuit, I met some really interesting people who were really digging my commitment to see this movie. I finally got in line, went to the front of the theater where nobody sits, and had a blast! But wait, this was during the previews. The movie finally started, and the action was intense and non-stop. The acting by these two Oscar-caliber people will get your pulse pounding. The plot moves along like syrup going up a tree in Maine in January, the screenplay written in meticulous detail like the deflate-gate investigation, and the ending is as satisfying as the one in Jaws IV. See this movie. Redbox won't do it justice. It's an instant classic.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
I fell in love with the cute Lady Sofia and the gentle woman Reese. This film has all the elements of success: a good story, entertainment, great comedy, amazing acting and stunning direction.The yummy policewoman Reese Witherspoon is on a mission to protect a drug dealer and his delicious wife Sofia Vergara who will testify against a big boss and drug leader.The sweet policeman Reese Witherspoon put herself into danger, she mustprotect the sexy lady Mrs. Riva (Sofia Vergara) from corrupt gangsters and bad policemen.You will see the best kind of action,fun and great entertainment from beginning till the end. Sofia Vergara is a very promising actress and I fell in love with her.Concerning the stunning Reese Witherspoon, she is indeed a great actress.
'Sentiment: Positive 🙂'
Critics are those who will tell you, that the movie, that you are laughing your head off at, isn't funny. Critics must be serious. They have lost their sense of humor. Snooty people and critics study the development of film at the cinema. Real People watch movies.Hot Pursuit works much better than Heat. The only difference between Heat and any male buddy movie is the two female leads. The chemistry between Reese Witherspoon and Sofia Vigera in Hot Pursuit works very well. Most of the gags are very funny. I would like to ask critics, if the movie wasn't funny, why was I laughing? Maybe the critics wasted too much time in film school and not mingling with real people.